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Sectary: tāng  mǔ sī xiān shēng,xiàn zài wǒ men yī qǐ lái tǎo lùn xíng chéng ān pái hǎo ma?
秘书 : 汤姆斯先生,现在我们一起来讨论行程安排好吗?
        Mr. Tomas, could we discuss the schedule now?


Tomas:  Hǎo a ! wǒ men dǎ suàn zài zhōng guó yī gong dāi bā tiān ma?
汤姆斯: 好啊!我们打算在 中国一共呆八天吗?
Sure! Are we planning stay eight days in China?


Sectary:  shì de。 qián miàn wǔ tiān qià tán yè wù,hòu miàn sān tiān, yóu lǎn gù gōng hé cháng chéng。
秘书 : 是的。前面五天洽谈业务,后面三天,游览故宫和长城。
Yes. We will negotiate business in the first five days. In the last three days,we will sightsee the National Palace Museum and the Great Wall.


Tomas:  zhè yang ān pái hěn hǎo.
汤姆斯: 这样安排很好。
That is a great arrangement.


Sectary: jīn tiān wǎn shàng yǒu yàn huì。
秘书 : 今天晚上有宴会。
There is a banquet tonight.


Tomas:   Hǎo de。
汤姆斯: 好的。


Chinese food box Business Conversation

People will learn the expressions in typical business conversations from a variety of topics and be able to do a business in Chinese.



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